Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Maybe this has been brought up before now, but...

I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't heard anyone in the media mention any discontent on the part of Hillary Clinton's detractors/opponents that the Clinton campaign is being partially funded by taxpayer dollars in the form of Bill Clinton's Secret Service detail.

His constant presence in his wife's campaign — and that his Secret Service detail has to be with him all the time — might cause someone on the Republican side or among the ubiquitous and vocal anti-Clinton folks to have mentioned this as an issue.

Aside from his being a bit callous and stupid with his dalliances during his tenure, I like Bill a great deal, so I really don't care about this; besides, I figure he gets this protection no matter
where he is because he's an ex-president, so what does it matter. But like I said, I'm just surprised it hasn't been mentioned by the petty diggers of dirt and rakers of muck.

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