Saturday, November 24, 2012

Freedom of versus freedom from...

The POTUS gave his annual Thanksgiving address --- a non-religious national holiday, let's remember --- and for the fourth year the likes of Daily Caller, FOX News, and felt it their duty to point out that President Obama did not mention God in the Thanksgiving address. 

Yawn. Here you go again. When will you stop dragging out this tired argument?

First, President Barack Hussein Obama is a Christian (Congregationalist) but doesn't wear this on his sleeve as has become the fashion. (But even it he weren't a Christian whose business is this?) I know you've all tried to convince your viewers and readers he's anything-but-Christian; just give up trying to portray him as "other." It hasn't worked heretofore, and it won't start working just because you try it again now. Remember, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting... aaah... what's the use. (Even Pat Robertson heard the Word wrong this year.)

Second, if the president were to mention "God," would this be assumed to be just the Christian God or a catch-all title encompassing the deities of all the religions practiced in the USA? I have a hunch the religious right is not a multi-theist subculture, so another can of worms would probably be opened and served up by you.

Third, he's consistent, as usual. I would argue that were he to mention God now, he would be lambasted by you all for flip-flopping, for pandering, and the "guy just can't win with you all" rule would again apply.

And finally, are we not a constitutional democratic republic with a proper constitution, in which the word "God" does not appear... anywhere? 

I'll say that again: the word "God" does not appear in the U.S. Constitution, anywhere. What does appear in the constitution is Article Six, the last sentence of which says, " religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." 


But the right's insistence on ignoring this and instead imposing its own weird religious-purity test on anyone it disagrees with/doesn't like/hates/wants to demonize (QED, "Barack Hussein Obama") is to do exactly that which the right keeps claiming this administration is doing to it: taking away freedoms and liberties

In the U.S.A., under our constitution, we have freedoms and liberties, including the freedom of religion and the liberty to practice it. Anyone can practice their religion in the U.S.A. no matter who they are or what their religion is: from Adventist to Zoroastrian. But we also have freedom from religion and the liberty to practice this, which means if someone chooses not to embrace a religion, no matter who they are, they are free to not do this.

So religious right folks, Daily Caller, FOX News,, et al., stop trying to portray the POTUS as Godless, and just settle down, take a collective deep breath, and understand and accept the difference between the two prepositions "of" and "from." 

For folks who loudly proclaim to aspire to the teachings of Jesus, you sure do spend a lot of time moving away from their intended spirit of kindness.

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