Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dear Erin Burnett...

I've watched CNN (and especially you) for the last time. 

If I hear you second-guess hurricane preparedness --- which is your go-to journalistic move since being on CNBC and completely and similarly whiffing on the build-up to the financial collapse --- one more time I'll scream. 

Last night you rhetorically asked, and I'm paraphrasing, why someone didn't anticipate the lack-of-power-induced lines at gas stations before the hurricane. This came on the heels of your asking other such "tough" questions on previous nights. Wow. What hard-hitting journalism. 


Erin, why didn't you anticipate it if you're so freaking smart? Oh right, because you did such a bang-up job shouting to the rooftops about the financial meltdown before it happened, what with you being a financial journalist and being able to personally interview the characters responsible for that cock-up and all. 

If you're not going to be part of the solution, please, please... stop being part of the problem, although this behavior does fit with the bromide that one should do what one is good at, which in your case is professional second-guessing and hand-wringing. 

With kindest regards...

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