Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Maybe it's time for the left and right to splinter...

Are you in the right-wing fringe of the Republican Party or in the left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party?

Are you feeling like you're not getting enough love from your party?

Are you feeling like your party is becoming too liberal or too conservative, respectively?

If you answered "yes," I have a suggestion: splinter!

The disgruntled left-wingers can form a new party called the Liberal Party and the dissatisfied right-wingers can form a party called the Conservative Party. This way you can each field candidates who are in sync with your ideological points of view, and you won't have to settle, like the conservative Republicans feel they're having to this time around with John McCain.

This splintering would give a home to folks like Dennis Kucinich on the extreme left and Duncan Hunter on the extreme right. Debates could be held that are appropriate for everyone, no one would be excluded, and all voices would be heard.

We always hear about people being tired of the two-party system, that the two biggest parties are exactly the same. Well, this would spread the political spectrum to its two extremes and would provide platforms for those who feel they're not being represented.

This would by no means neglect the Libertarians or the Greens; they would still have a place at the table, and I would argue they'd have an easier time of it because every party would be smaller and would, therefore, have to work harder to get out its message. The playing field would be more level.

Think about it. It could work. Where's the harm in trying it?

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