Monday, September 13, 2010

The Newt rides his fear Express straight into Hateville...

Newt Gingrich, everyone's favorite extreme right-wing goof-ball and perpetual political loser has done it again, but this time he's outdone even himself.

What a complete jerk this guy is. I even feel sorry for his wife (or should I say his current future ex-wife).

How rude to suggest the president is a con man. How typical to continue with the same right-wing birther B.S. regarding President Obama's nationality, but to now escalate it to a whole new level of fear and loathing?

It's just breathtaking.

If anyone, left or right, doesn't see this garbage as pure and simple campaign-year politics and as a desperate appeal to a base (and let's not forget that "base" has a double meaning), then they deserve The Newt and his hatefully narrow-minded fear-mongering.

Naturally all of Newtboy's butt-buddies on the right will pick this one up and run with it, but if they were smart, even they would run away from this guy like he's radioactive, because this tactic won't work well for anyone who champions it.

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