Sunday, September 23, 2012

If Romney doesn't Reed history, he might repeat it...

Ralph Reed came as close as one can to being indicted for his part in a Jack Abramoff scheme, in which Reed accepted money for lobbying against casino gambling even as Abramoff was trying to get a gig as a casino gambling lobbyist. In so doing, Ralph managed to drag Focus on the Family, the US Family Network, and his own Christian Coalition into his questionable dealings, and even benefited from Grover Norquist's own organization, Americans for Tax Reform, as a money-laundering "pass-through." 

Yup. Ralph is a real sweet guy. 

But now, almost inexplicably, the Republican nominee for POTUS, Mitt Romney, might use this sweet guy's call-list databases in his own venal and cynical push for the Oval Office. (See the NYT news story here.) 

Is there anything that could better demonstrate Mitt's raw and desperate desire to gain office than accepting assistance from Ralph Reed, a guy who cavorted with a convicted con man and who gives smarm a bad name? 

Does this lapse of reason suggest Romney might not be doing his homework by reading up on a little recent history? Because surely if he had read, even a little, he'd realize the credibility trap he's falling into by aligning himself with the incredible Mr. Reed, wouldn't he?

I know the ability to forgive is big in the Christian faith, but how many times can someone be forgiven their bad behavior before those doing the forgiving realize there's a pattern in  behavior that is, in truth, unforgivable?

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