Friday, December 3, 2010

I beg your pardon?

What is the freaking deal with all this Jim Morrison pardon stuff?

Seriously. WTF cares?

The guy was a spoiled-rotten-malcontent-drug-and-alcohol-addicted knucklehead who couldn't for a moment appreciate the lucky position he found himself in, who had a mediocre (at best) voice, and who possessed very little other redeeming value given his absurd behaviors. Further, The Doors were incredibly overrated (and still are) and didn't even have a
bass player, for crying out loud!

And Morrison was a poet? Oh please. Give me a break.

The guy who writes cereal box blurbs for Kellogg is a better poet.

The worst Hallmark-card writer on his worst day is a better poet.

Whoever it is who writes those roadside Burma Shave rhymes is a better poet.

Who cares if Jim Morrison is pardoned or not? Who cares he was ever convicted of anything in the
first place!?! Who will sleep better knowing he's been pardoned? WHO CARES?!?!


Nope... I just don't get it.

An update to this ridiculous story.

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