Saturday, November 6, 2010

The devils you know and don't know...

The Christine O'Donnell debacle has been instructive in terms of who holds the power on the right versus who wants it.

After O'Donnell proved (again) that her right-wingnuttiness was replete, Karl Rove came out swinging saying she wasn't accomplished enough to be a senator. Sure, King Karl backed off this rare honesty the next day, after Rushbo, SaPal, et al., leaned on him, but Karl was right (yes, I said this) and the truth was out there: Karl Rove does not take the Tea Party seriously.

I'll say it again: Karl Rove does not take the Tea Party seriously.

A bell can't be un-rung and with Karl's comments we clearly heard a prelude to what is to come for the Repos in the months leading up to 2012: Karl (old-world Repo mastermind) and Sarah (Rush's hand puppet) will be at odds, will split, will push their own versions of the future of the Republican Party, and will end up fracturing the Republican Party to the extent that the Tea Party will become a legitimate force in American politics, and not just a far-right wing of the Repos.

As much as the old-world Republicans (led by Rove) say Dems are out of touch with the people who comprise the Tea Party (led by Sarah Palin), the Republicans are
more out of touch with them because they're cynically using the Tea Party to their own ends and will toss the Tea Party aside as soon as they get what they want. QED

My prediction?

Sarah Palin will win the Republican Primary, Barrack Obama will win a second term (and Karl Rove will banish himself to a Pacific Island never to be heard from again... OK... maybe this last one is wishful thinking.)


Because Karl Rove was right about Christine O'Donnell.

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