Monday, January 11, 2010

Mercury Retrograde strikes again?

First, I need to say that there's much about astrology that I just don't get let alone buy into. I believe that anyone who puts their faith in a power above themselves, outside themselves, is asking for disappointment.

This said, I believe in Mercury Retrograde. (I'll leave it to the reader to do research on this astrological phenomenon.)

Case in point... I am selling a musical instrument, and I advertised it for sale on a popular website designed for this purpose. I was contacted via email by someone interested in buying it and we then spoke on the phone.

I have sold and purchased many instruments and have never had a problem... before now.

What transpired and resulted was one of the most confused, most screwed-up episodes with which I have
ever been involved, ever. A complete communications breakdown occurred. Everything that had the potential to be misinterpreted was; everything that had the potential to be poorly stated was; everything that had the potential to be misunderstood was. Even though I thought I provided full disclosure, thought I was completely candid and forthright, confusion and suspicion reigned.

I take full responsibility for any part I might have had in this confusion, even though I know the buyer won't take responsibility for his part of it, but I do believe that Mercury Retrograde played a part, regardless of assignation of blame or assumption of responsibility. I am not using Mercury Retrograde as an excuse, but after much soul-searching, there really is no other rational explanation that provides sufficiently convincing evidence for why this utter and complete breakdown in communications occurred.

In saying this, I do not mean to in any way trivialize or minimize this astrological concept for the true believers or the belief they have in it. I'm simply saying that I believe a strong case can be made for what those true believers claim Mercury Retrograde to be, a strong case.

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