Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hello Pot? This is Kettle.

Eric Cantor's name is perfect: he's a can't-er, all right.

Here's how
his meeting with Steny Hoyer will probably go.

Hoyer: "So, I'd like you to get on board with health care reform."

Cantor: "No."

Hoyer: "You said it would be good 'to see if we in Congress could try to work together for a change.' So you're now saying you didn't say this?"

Cantor: "No."

Hoyer: "All you Republicans can seem to say is 'no'; is this any way to seek meaningful change?"

Cantor: "No."

Hoyer: "You're kind of a dick, aren't you?"

Cantor: "Yes... I mean, no."

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