Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The tax pledge is forever...

ABC News reported yesterday that Grover Norquist believes the tax pledge, which many in congress have signed, is forever, so I was moved to do this.

Pledges Are Forever**
(sung to the tune of “Diamonds Are Forever”) 

Pledges are forever,
They are all I need to please me,
Even congress cannot leave me,
Though they scream from the right, I’ve no fear that they might desert me.

Pledges are forever,
Can’t raise tax for any reason,
Try and I’ll be screaming treason,
They can’t do anything, they can’t suddenly bring an increase…
I need this pledge,
What else would I be doing,
If I didn't use this wedge,
They’d spend and spend…. then spend again.
Pledges are forever,
Got you round my little finger,
This means you will have to linger,
And be powerless to avoid or undo what you’ve signed.
Back to bridge
Pledges are forever, forever, forever…
Pledges are forever, forever, forever… forever… and ever.

**With apologies to John Barry, the songwriter of "Diamonds Are Forever."

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