Woods' anger over the death of his Navy SEAL son is understandable. I
watched my father-in-law struggle mightily after the deaths of his two
sons (two of my best friends). Parents should not have to attend their
children's funerals.
My heart goes out to Mr. Woods for his loss, but
that his righteous anger is being picked up and run with by the right's media
outlets is as blatant and cynical as you can get. It's a perfect example of how the right-wing echo chamber works.
When were these same
media folks speaking out for the almost 5,000 American men and women (not to
mention thousands and thousands of innocent Iraqis and Afghans) who died
in The Iraq War and in Afghanistan, and when were these same media folks
calling for investigations into falsified documents and sketchy
intelligence leading up to the former?
This is pure election-year
baloney being pushed by people who have little to nothing good to say
about their guy, but who are desperate to get their guy elected and even more desperate to see the current guy lose, so they resort to hiding behind this poor man's grief
and anguish.
Mr. Woods... I am so sorry for your loss. I will never know what you're going through, but shame on anyone and everyone who is using you, using your son's memory, as a political football.
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