What about this as a possible explanation for what all this generals-having-affairs kerfuffle is really about...
A gung-ho, perhaps marginally anti-Obama, FBI agent was approached by a friend who received what she perceived to be threatening emails, and the gung-ho agent, in an attempt to drag the current administration into a potentially embarrassing scandal weeks before the election, opened up a can of worms to a Republican member of congress, but the attempt backfired when...
- it was discovered that the person sending the threatening emails was having an affair with the head of the CIA and...
- the person who reported the threatening emails, was, herself, exchanging "inappropriate" emails with another high-profile general.
- a botched attempt to score political points by someone who didn't understand chain-of-command-and-disclosure policies and requirements and...
- someone else not realizing that her other personal emails would be fair game in an official investigation that she caused to happen based on... emails sent to her?
This is my theory and is complete speculation on my part.
Update 11/16: As of this writing, it would appear the FBI agent involved did not have a political axe to grind, so down in flames goes my theory. I just hope the affected relationships and families can recover from this and that the investigations can help get this behind us all so we can address what actually matters.
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