Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Did Hannity show fake video of Michele Bachmann's "press conference?"

On the Daily Show tonight, Jon Stewart exposed a trick Sean Hannity might have tried to pull last night on his show by showing supposed video of last week's anti-health care bill "press conference" on the steps of the Capitol Building, but which was actually a video clip from Glenn Beck's 9/12 rally in September.

The proof Jon Stewart offered was that the first portion of the Hannity video showed a September day in Washington, replete with full-Autumn colors and a clear blue sky, while the remainder of the clip showed green trees whose color had clearly not yet turned, and an overcast sky.

Regarding how this might have happened, the only things I can think are, (A) the Hannity staffer responsible for cueing the tape screwed up and "accidentally" showed the wrong video clip, or (B) the Hannity show intentionally
tried to deceive viewers by making Michele Bachmann's "press conference" (a.k.a. tea party rally) appear better attended than it actually was.


If it turns out to be the latter, this would be a serious breach of journalistic ethics and not at all in keeping with Fox News' slogans of "we report you decide" and "fair and balanced," and would do little to dispel the growing notion that Hannity is nothing but a PR shill for right-wing causes, as he demonstrated in this feeble attempt to offer doctored, badly edited video as "proof" of Cuba's dismal health care.

Sean... really. I thought even you were above this. So what do you think you'll do after you get fired from Fox News? Used car sales would probably be a perfect fit for you, but the protests from used-car salesman everywhere would probably preclude your getting the job.

1 comment:

Blue Sunflower said...

Fox has already breached it's "Fair and Balanced" slogan, since they went to court for the right to lie in their stories - and won. So Hannity's keeping full well in line with Fox's "news" reporting.