Friday, November 13, 2009

Human group names...

Just as the animal kingdom has all manner of cool names for groups of its inhabitants, I'd like to think the human kingdom has similar monikers. But sadly, this is not the case.

Animals have a murder of crows, a business of ferrets, an implausibility of gnus (no, really), a mutation of thrush, a caravan of camels, a coalition of chitas, and a bite of midges. Here is a complete list.

Sadly, however, all we seem to have is a group of people.

So, I'd like to correct this and suggest some names that describe the various human groups (and human types) that populate the planet.

Here is a partial list:

  • A putter of golfers
  • A badge of policeman
  • A blaze of fireman
  • A shock of electricians
  • A basin of plumbers
  • A deck of gamblers
  • A measure of musicians
  • A jiggle of joggers (thanks S and N!)
  • A batch of bakers
  • A podium of politicians
  • An orbit of astronauts
  • An break of psychotics
  • A right of conservatives
  • A left of liberals
  • A cup of Tea Partiers
  • A shout of talk-radio hosts
  • A disorder of neurotics
  • An opinion of pundits
  • A lesson of teachers
  • A pucker of a$$holes

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