Monday, October 6, 2008

Pallin' with terrorists and ignorin' subpoenas...

In a recent speech Governor Sarah Palin said “Our opponent [Barack Obama] is someone who sees America it seems as being so imperfect that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”

This comment is absurd when you consider that Obama was 8 years old when Ayres and his real "pals" committed their obviously heinous acts, that Obama has denounced Bill Ayres' philosophies and previous behaviors, and that the board on which Obama and Ayres both served was a charity organization, which was in 1995, 13 years ago.

Meanwhile, the Governor's husband Todd Palin is actively ignoring a legal subpoena issued by Alaska's legislature.

In doing so, is The First Dude palling around with law breakers? I'll bet Governor "Pallin'"probably doesn't see it this way. Maybe she and Todd can get their witchdoctor to cast the demons out of the Alaskan legislature.

My hunch? That far-right-wingnut Sean Hannity poured poison in Governor Palin's ear about this "palling" thing during a recent "interview" that aired on "Hannity and Combs." No proof; just a hunch based on Hannity's having been on his Ayres diatribe for months, now.

Typical right-wing-Rovian tactics: ignore real issues, and attack character.

I really hope people see this hypocrisy for what it is before it's too late. (And it appears things might be heading in this direction.)

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