Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Moderate Mitt" is a myth...

In this article Gov. Mitt Romney is quoted saying...
There's no legislation with regards to abortion that I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda. 
He said this to a reporter for the Des Moines Register on Tuesday, 10/9. But what does this actually mean? To see his trick, reformulate the sentence this way... 
There's no recipe with regards to beef stew that I'm familiar with that would become a part of my cookbook.
What happens when one encounters a new recipe for beef stew (or Mr. Romney encounters a new legislation for abortion)? Wouldn't this leave an out? Couldn't this mean one might be able to include the newly encountered beef stew recipe? Mitt instantly renders his own statement meaningless through this obvious double-speak.

Make no mistake, "Moderate Mitt" is a myth. If he believes doing so can help him somehow, he will say anything, to anyone, about any subject. Full stop. He will eventually piss off his conservative base, and soon.

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