If anyone out there still requires additional proof that the far right is working against the current administration and its policy choices for no other purpose than to be against it, to thwart its efforts, here is additional evidence courtesy of The Daily Show.
We live in an age of instant communication, of digital video, of easy archiving of virtually any event, of easy retrieval of recorded material on any topic; however, it would appear either that Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Hannity are unaware of these capabilities or they just don't care about being caught in a lie because they know their viewers (A) will believe them automatically and (B) don't watch Jon Stewart.
It's the sad reality of this latter notion that allows them (and others who appear on Fox News) to lie and spin with impunity, which points to the heart of the problem: effectively distributing bad information is only possible when the people who receive this bad information choose to view it, accept it as truth, and remain misinformed by it as a result. And how could anyone expect a different result but to remain misinformed?
Ironically, and even Mr. Stewart would admit this, the Comedy Central program The Daily Show offers what they call "fake news," but the BS being foisted daily by the right-wing cable news shows remains the most laughable "fake news."
Of course it can be said that the Democrats (and perhaps progressives as well) have their own cable news voices on MSNBC (Countdown, et al.), but I would argue that what these shows offer is copiously fact-checked, and if someone on MSNBC speaks incorrectly about something, they will take their lumps and apologize because they realize the truth matters. After all, when is the last time you heard Hannity or Beck or O'Reilly or Kelly or Doocy apologize for getting something wrong?
David Frum got it exactly right: the Republicans work for Fox News, its primary propaganda tool.
Sadly, this is no laughing matter.
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