Monday, March 31, 2008

Affecting one's legacy...

I've been reading lately about President Bush wanting to ensure (and some have used the word "salvage") his legacy via various actions he's taking late in his second term, and it occurred to me that this behavior, this hind-sighted goal, sounds surprisingly familiar.

I teach writing at the university level and my syllabus discusses, among many other things, extra credit. Simply because this topic arises so often led to my need to address it at the semester's outset. Prior to including this in my syllabus, the subject of extra credit was broached toward the end of a semester when some students suddenly (if 16 weeks can be thought of as "sudden") realized their grades might not be what they'd hoped. In fact, I've actually had students tell me, "I had hoped for an 'A'," which I always love hearing because there are a few things I hope for as well, but many more for which I work.

Anyway, as a result of this seemingly surprising development they often ask, "Can I get any extra credit?" My response to them is usually something along the lines of, "Rather than thinking of
extra credit after the fact, think instead in terms credit before the fact: in other words, do appropriate work when it counts and receive appropriate credit for that effort."

Perhaps President Bush might have benefited from reading my syllabus sometime in late 2000, so he wouldn't have to worry about extra credit now.

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